‍A well-designed and inviting break room can be more than just a space for lunch breaks. It can act as a haven for employees to unwind, recharge, and even foster stronger connections with their colleagues. But how can you create such a cozy and inviting break room? This month, Colorado Pure shares practical tips and insights on designing a relaxing workspace that promotes employee satisfaction and productivity.

The Significance of a Relaxing and Inviting Break Room

The importance of a relaxing break room cannot be overstated. It’s more than just a place for employees to eat their lunch. It serves as a sanctuary within the office where employees can relieve work stress and rejuvenate their minds and bodies. By providing a space that encourages relaxation and social interaction, you’re investing in your employees’ well-being and, ultimately, their productivity.

Designing the Layout

Design your office kitchen or break room layout with comfort and relaxation in mind. This space should be distinct from the rest of the office, enabling employees to dissociate from their work for a while.

Consider incorporating comfortable seating arrangements like couches, armchairs, and side tables to create a lounge-like atmosphere. A communal table can serve as a platform for social interaction among team members from different departments.

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Décor That Invites and Inspires

The décor of your break room can significantly influence its ambiance. Aim for a warm, inviting break room with soothing paint colors, artwork, and indoor plants. Avoid institutional blandness by choosing matching furniture and a coherent theme. Opt for a motif that resonates with your company culture.

Update the décor to reflect different seasons or themes to keep your break room fresh and engaging. Doing so will keep your space feeling fresh and new and communicate to your employees that their comfort and satisfaction are priorities.

Essential Break Room Amenities

Every break room should have amenities like a microwave, refrigerator, and storage spaces for coffee mugs, plates, and bowls. Providing office coffee service can further encourage employees to utilize the break room and interact with their colleagues. Consider offering quality coffee, teas, and healthy snack options like granola bars.

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Setting the Atmosphere with Music

Music can significantly influence a space’s mood. A soft, relaxing playlist can create a soothing ambiance, while upbeat tunes can inject some energy into the room. Just ensure that the volume is moderate—not too loud to be distracting, but not so quiet that it fails to fill awkward silences.

Creating a Quiet Resting Area

For employees who prefer a quiet space to relax or meditate, consider carving out a portion of the break room as a quiet room. Equip this area with comfortable chairs or couches, dim lighting, and soundproofing to create an inviting break room oasis.

The break room should be a space for relaxation and social interaction, not for catching up on emails. Consider designating a device-free zone in your break room while providing a separate area where employees can charge their devices.

Ensuring Convenience

An inviting break room is a convenient break room. Consider providing essentials like salt and pepper shakers, dish soap, a drying rack, and extras like flavored coffee syrups and other break room supplies. These small details can make a big difference in making the office kitchen comfortable and inviting.


Colorado Pure - inviting break rooms have games

Activities for Unwinding

Adding a variety of activities to your break room can provide a fun way for employees to relax and relieve stress. Board games, puzzles, foosball tables, or tabletop basketball hoops can create fun and foster camaraderie among team members.

Getting Employee Feedback

Consider seeking your employees’ input to ensure that your break room meets their needs. A survey or informal discussion can provide valuable insights into what they want to see in the break room.

Colorado Pure: Creating Inviting Break Rooms One Cup of Coffee at a Time

A well-designed, relaxing, inviting break room can significantly enhance your office environment, boost employee morale, and foster community. Remember, the ultimate goal of the break room is to create a space where your team can relax, recharge, and connect with colleagues.

Contact Colorado Pure today to schedule your free break room consultation.