Which should you choose? Well, how does your office work?

Offices are set up differently depending on the job being done.  There are extreme cases where every single person is doing a discrete job and they do not interact with other people.  That might include some extreme examples like a Call Center, Day Traders, or something more conventional such as a Real Estate Office.

On the other hand, some offices are composed of nothing but intimate teams which interact constantly and are hardly ever out of each other’s sight.  These would include things like advertising companies, software development companies, or engineering design teams.

A lot of companies fall somewhere in the middle.  They have periods where they have long meetings or prolonged intimate interaction, and then they have times where people are most effective working on their own.

Colorado Springs Office Beverage Service

A lot of offices rely on the old-fashioned glass pot coffee maker with its heating elements that scorch the brew until it is absolutely vile.  It may possess one or even two pots; one is always regular coffee, and the other generally has hours-old decaffeinated coffee that only one or two people drink.

The sad part is that if you put cream in it, it doesn’t turn that rich and beautiful caramel-butterscotch color; it turns gray because it is cooked-to-death by the heating element.  Any way you look at it, it is an awfully poor excuse for real coffee.

What kind of coffee service do you need?


For offices where everybody is working on their own most of the time, they can grab a fresh cup of the black wine at their own convenience.   Uniserve/Single-Serve brewers with individual capsules rule the roost.

With a basket full of assorted capsules someone can make themselves a single fresh cup of coffee in less than a minute.  It can be decaffeinated, a dark pungent French Roast, a delightful Guatemalan, or a luscious Columbian Arabica—you can even get assorted teas and cocoa nowadays.  Everybody can make the beverage that precisely suits their own personality and taste.

It’s ideally suited for institutions like Fire Stations, Banks, and Car Dealerships.  When you don’t know when your next cup will be required it’s the best answer.


If you know that you’ve got a big staff meeting coming up, you don’t want to see a big line of people all struggling with one or two Uniserve machines.  This is where the Airpot can really strut its stuff!

A large Airpot can provide a large volume of coffee in just seconds.  It can be placed in the conference room so that anybody can help themselves at any time.  These amazing devices utilize extraordinary modern insulation that lets the coffee stay hot, and doesn’t require a heat source that can destroy the flavor of the coffee.  Even hours after it was prepared it is still as delicious as when it was first made.


In fact, you may have already encountered a business that relies on Airpots in your local grocery store or any establishment that has a Snack Bar.  For pure efficiency, it’s better to prepare a dozen Airpots full of different blends and refill them as they empty.  A single person can then dedicate themselves to preparing other foodstuffs, such as sandwiches or pastries.

There are a number of places where Airpots can make themselves useful such as Open Houses for real estate agents.  Or bring several to the company picnic where you probably don’t have electricity available.  The only real limitation is your imagination.

The Takeaway

In the case of a diverse company with multiple needs, you might want to have both available.  Have a couple of Single-Serve Machines located strategically around the office, but also have some Airpots for when you’re having those big meetings. Either one of these options can suit your needs for a Colorado Springs office beverage service.

It’s also a great opportunity to be environmentally responsible and reduce your carbon footprint.